Uccia / vine grower and urban winemaker
I'm Alessia and I am the owner of the company Ucci Cantina Vinicola Urbana. I am Tuscan of origin and Piedmontese by adoption since when in 2011 I moved to Collegno-Turin for the love of Uccio. Degree and PhD in philosophy, I have worked for almost 10 years in the world of university education and training. Then I became the mom of a beautiful boy, Leo (who we call ça va sans dire Uccino), and the consequent loss of my job allowed me to seriously consider the possibility to change life and to dedicate myself - with the support of my husband - to my true passion: wine!
The Ucci wine project is my personal redemption as a woman who wants to be a mom and a worker at the same time.
The final sprint for the starting of my business was given to me by the call "Imprenditori in Collegno" offered by my Municipality to which I successfully participated in 2019, and by the regional programme for self-employment MIP.
I am a certified Sommelier from AIS and Taster from ONAV, and I took a course to become a professional agricultural entrepreneur. In the company I take care of the vineyard and all the cellar practices together with our consultant. I personally take care of the harvest together with Mattia and often we can count on Leo's precious (moral) support! I also take care of the website and the organization of fairs and tastings.

Uccio / the flour & wine seller
I am Mattia, of Rimini and Sicilian origins, born in Turin and raised in Collegno, passionate about music, food, wine and life in general, always in balance (or in the balance) among my many passions.
Missed musician (music has not become my profession, but it still remains the soundtrack of my life!), my CV reads “expert in marketing and communication in the food sector”. After various experiences in the world of ice cream and dairy products, I landed to agriculture: I sell flour for ViVa srl, a company of which I am partner and sales manager.
To keep my brains trained, until few years ago I taught public relations and marketing at the IED in Turin.
I am a certified Taster from Onav and in 2015 I attended my first course Simonit & Sirch of vine pruning. For the moment, since I have another main business, in this project I sell wine and am responsible for developing and managing the sales network. In addition to that I gladly give my strength to the harvest and if needed to the hard work in the cellar.